PID Control Loop Feedback System
PID Control Loop Feedback System for Accurate and Precise Dosing Control PID is a control loop feedback system used by Process Instruments, comprised of 3 components: Proportional, Integral and Derivative. PID is mostly used in industrial control systems, to continuously and automatically modulate a control output to achieve a desired setpoint. Proportional (P) This is…
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Water Quality Analyzers Safeguard Matsu Islands’ Military & Civilian Supply
Pi’s water quality analyzers ensure the safety of water for military and civilian use in Matsu Islands, Taiwan Pi’s engineers carried out routine maintenance visits for several water quality analyzer sites on the Matsu Islands, Taiwan. There are several of Pi’s multi and single parameter water quality analyzer systems installed on the Nangan Island, Beigan…
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Online Conductivity Meter to Monitor Pure Water Production
Online Conductivity Meter Installed to Monitor Pure Water Production Conductivity is the ability of a solution to transfer (conduct) electrical current. The value of the electrical conductivity is dependent on the ability of electrons or other charge carriers to move within a liquid. The inverse of this is resistivity. Resistivity describes the ability of a…
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Particle Counters Annual Calibration Visit
Particle Counters Annual Calibration Visit to Bristol Water Particle counters from Process Instruments only require calibration once a year. Calibration of the CounterSense is crucial to maintain the high standard of confidence that users have in readings obtained from Pi’s particle counters. The CounterSense can count particles ranging from 2-750 microns and size particles from…
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Peracetic Acid Controller
Peracetic Acid Controller used in Dairy Processes The PeraSense range of peracetic acid controllers, peracetic acid analyzers and peracetic acid monitors from Pi utilize the very latest and best peracetic acid sensors available. They are membrane devices that use no reagents, are extremely stable and have reduced maintenance and reduced whole life costs. Many dairies…
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UV254 Monitors
UV254 Monitors for Scottish Water Six UV monitors (UV254Sense) from Pi are being used to form part of a major upgrade at Mannofield water treatment works in Aberdeen, by Ross-shire engineering (RSE). The upgrade is to improve the resilience and functionality of the water treatment works, with Scottish Water investing £8 million into the project.…
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Peracetic Acid Controller Upgraded
Peracetic Acid Controller Upgraded with PID Control from 9500 Miles Away! Pi’s peracetic acid sensor (PeraSense) is used for the measurement and monitoring of peracetic acid dosing. This is a common application in the food industry. One of Pi’s customers, based in Australia, has a peracetic acid sensor (PeraSense) which is coupled with a Pi…
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Free and Total Chlorine Analyser – DPDSense
Free and Total Chlorine Analyser – The New Online DPD Analyser from Pi DPDSense, Pi’s brand new free chlorine analyser and total chlorine analyser which measures the concentration of free chlorine or total chlorine in a water sample. DPDSense from Pi needs no calibration, meaning that once it is out of the box, it can…
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Dissolved Oxygen Analyser Removes the Need for a PLC
Dissolved Oxygen Analyser (OxySense S2) Removes the Need for a PLC Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are widely used in the water treatment industry. However, they can be extremely costly and require lots of maintenance, which can pose greater financial challenges for smaller companies. Pi recently encountered one such customer and were able to meet all…
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Chlorine Monitoring
Chlorine Monitoring at Essity Paper Mill In most paper and pulp applications, chlorine is used as a bleaching agent. Bleached paper is favoured over non-bleached as it has a superior quality of brightness, softness and cleanliness. However, chlorine is known to be toxic and therefore the wastewater produced must be monitored to ensure that the…
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